The Truth About Global Warming Does not Enhance our Sense of Self-worth

If those who believed in Global Warming were truthful, they would tell us:

“Listen, you are a worthless rabble of miserable, disgusting peons. My friends and I want more money. We are going to take your money away from you and there is nothing you can do about it. We are going to make you pay more for the energy you need for heat, light, food, clothing, housing, and transportation. That’s why we are telling you so many lies about how dangerous Global Warming is. You will have to pay more money and get less while we get richer than ever.

“We don’t want to enslave you directly. We want you to have the illusion that you are free. We’ve found that’s the cheapest way to keep you doing what we want.

“Unless you want to wear chains and live in squalid, stinking slave quarters, go along with what we tell you about Global Warming and every other thing we tell you is a Big Problem. Sure, you’ll be poorer. But, you can still pretend you’re free.”

The Newest Form of Organized Crime Plays a Part

Global Warming is a perfect example of the complex frauds that are created and manipulated by powerful interests to enrich themselves. People striving to obtain wind, solar, and bio-fuels subsidies may be seen as Alternative Energy Crime Companies. They are corporate organizations modeled after earlier organized crime families that profited from prostitution, drugs, and numbers-running.

Big players in the Alternative Energy Crime Companies are well-known. Their advertisements help support every kind of state-run media. Endless ads extol the virtues of the frauds in which their particular Crime Companies specialize. Some push for more windmills. Other Crime Companies want more solar panels. Many are gleefully trying to force people to purchase amazingly inefficient, engine-wrecking bio-fuels at high cost.

The vast fraud extends from Main to Wall Street. It’s larcenous beginnings grew from the greed of bribers, today called “contributors”, and from the greed of the elected officials to whom the “contributors” make such generous “campaign contributions”. Such bribes prompt legislators to transform lies, exaggerations, and Imaginary Problems into laws that let bribers take ever more money from helpless citizens.

So, What do we do? We Don’t Try to “Clean up” Government.

Aristotle said, “The man who sees things from the beginning has the clearest view.” Following his advice gives us a clearer view by encouraging us to consider an early instance of massive governmental fraud:

The nation of Egypt was a wholly-owned Roman colony. Its amazingly productive farms along the Nile provided the citizens of Rome with much of their food. That food production system should have been run by the Roman government, at the lowest possible cost, in order to provide the maximum benefit to the people of Rome.

Instead, amazingly wealthy contractors operated the farms. They were the billionaires of the day. Their hordes of slaves grew the food, their fleets of ships took it to Rome, and their agents sold it and received payment. The private contractors re-invested a small portion of their comparative billions to bribe Rome’s Senators to maintain the process. Those bribes turned into votes that kept the money flowing to the wealthy contractors. The process continued for centuries. Rich contractors and Senators became vastly richer while the people of Rome were forced to pay more for their food.

During this period of deeply entrenched corruption, The Roman Catholic Church grew from a persecuted minority to become the official religion of a Roman State that extended from Armenia to England. This growth allowed The Church to offer salvation to the countless millions of Abraham’s many, many descendants throughout the world. This rapid expansion of The Roman Catholic Church would not, and could not, have happened if Rome’s first Catholics had self-righteously focused on trying to “clean up government and put the crooks in jail”.

A solid case can be made to show that the possibility of our own salvation exists because the early Christians did not waste their time on self-righteousness. Cleansing their own souls took precedence over the endless futility of cleaning up the government. Christians properly saw that their duty was to build The Kingdom of God on earth. We should be thankful that they did so, rather than worrying about the endless crimes that Caesars and their underlings were committing.

Instead of wasting their time “fighting corruption”, our spiritual ancestors worked, studied, prayed, obeyed, loved God, loved their neighbor, and laid the foundations for Catholicism and Christianity to spread around the world. It was the best thing they could have done.

What do we learn from their example? When we see people who’ve given in to temptations, do we get on our high horse? Do we try to “fix” them, ending up like B’rer Rabbit who kicked the tar baby with such self-righteous vigor that he become indistinguishable from it?

Or, do we focus on the immortality of our souls and on doing what we have to do to bring them into the eternal presence of The Loving Programmer in whose image we lesser, human programmers have been lovingly programmed?
