The Two Realities: “God First” or “Me First”.

Catholics see what Peter is holding in his hand! We also see WHO gave Peter those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”. Catholics want “those keys” for our souls!


Question 1: “How can we tell which of The Two Realities we have chosen to believe?”

Answer: “Those who put ‘God First’ strive to obey Every Word from God in The Bible.”


Question 2: “What do the ‘Me First’ people do?”

Answer: “The ‘Me First’ people put their thoughts, opinions, and desires ‘before God’.”


Question 3: “Why do they do that?”

Answer: “Demons of Vanity tell everyone on earth: You know more than God about what is best for you.’


Question 4: “Which people put ‘God First’?”

Answer: “Catholics are the only people on earth who will obey This Teaching from He Who Fulfilled God’s Prophecies:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5: “Is everyone who knowingly chooses to reject That Word of God a ‘Willful Protestant’?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 6: “Do Willful Protestants only believe in some Words of God?”

Answer: “‘Me First’ people only believe in Words of God that agree with their beliefs. They reject God’s Church and ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ gave to His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church on earth.”


Question 7: “Is there an easy way to see that Willful Protestants only believe the ‘parts’ of God’s Word with which they agree?”

Answer: “Entire denominations of Willful Protestants used to believe in This Catholic Teaching: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’ Tens of thousands of Protestant Denominations stopped providing That Catholic Teaching as soon as it reduced donations to their denominations.”


Question 8: “Why don’t Willful Protestants realize they are insulting The Perfect Divinity of God every time they choose to break a Commandment like ‘Thou shall not kill.’?”

Answer: “They choose to go to God’s Judgment among the ‘Me First’ group! ‘I put my thoughts, words, desires and deeds ‘before God’.


Question 9: “Do they see that they are breaking Two of God’s Ten Commandments?”

Answer: “Demons of Vanity keep many ‘Me First’ believers from Thinking Clearly about that simple fact.”


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. . . . . . . . . . . has many Simple Reasons to put “God First”.

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