The Words of Jesus do many things at once!

All Catholics believe a simple truth! Jesus is always right. We see that The Words of Jesus do many things at once!

In all of history, Jesus picked one person. Jesus said to him: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


The Words of Jesus do many things at once!

1. The Words of Jesus clearly Spoke The Only Church He Founded Into Being.

2. His Words Decreed how His Church would be organized. Peter, and His Successors, would be forever in charge of The Only Church He Founded.

3. The Words of Jesus empowered His Church with Infallible Teaching. “the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” That is amazing!

4. The Words of Jesus gave The Catholic Church the Power to Provide The Seven Catholic Sacraments. They are “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Words of Jesus do many things at once!


Then, we see that The Words of Jesus do more! The Words of Jesus separate those who obey Jesus from those who disobey Him.

Every person on earth has free will. We may choose to obey He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. Or, we may be among those who choose to disobey The Actual, Church-Founding Word of Jesus.


Those who disobey Jesus do not understand that Jesus is always right! They all agree: “Jesus must have been wrong, untruthful, or unable to speak clearly.”

They invent silly reasons for disobeying Jesus.

The silliest? “Jesus was not talking to Peter! He was talking about Himself being the ‘rock’.”


The Words of Jesus do many things! They teach and they divide His obedient sheep from willful goats.

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