The worst racism of all

Some Protestants have a history of using their power improperly. They starved the disarmed Irish, plundered the less well-armed and organized Indian sub-continent, pretty much exterminated the natives of Australia, and nearly wiped out the American Indians.

For the last fifty years, their descendants have defended a “woman’s right to choose”. That “right” gives a mother the right to kill her unborn baby. This is anti-Christian. Why are many who call themselves “Christian” in favor of abortion?

The Democratic Party relies on the votes of minorities. They procure those votes by providing inducements that include free housing, food stamps, heating assistance, medical cards, and other benefits.

Democrats know there is a limit to such largess. If the number of welfare recipients grows too large, the ability to produce goods and services will be lost, as in Cuba and Venezuela. America’s leaders are smart enough to know that if the country collapses, they will lose their perks.

To maintain funding, they must limit the number of minorities. So, they fund abortionists in big cities that are centrally located, convenient places to destroy the babies of the poor. Few Christians of any race let themselves realize deeply that abortion is the worst racism of all, killing predominantly poor, mostly black, babies.

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When they hear, “We must return to Catholic teachings on chastity.” the automatic reaction of modern Protestants is: “You can’t expect people like that to control themselves.” The belief that the black and poor are not able to control themselves is the worst racism of all. What they are really saying: “They are not made in the image of God. We are.”

That is the worst racism of all. It is in the hearts of all who are not Pro-Life.

Those who understand the need to return to Catholic teachings, and to The Church from which they came, are divided among 43,000 conflicting, competing schisms. Until Pro-Life people become Catholic, those in the gleaming temples of Baal will keep on killing.


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