Their God is Dead

Idol worshippers hate it when a perfectly good God of theirs is put away. Global Warming has been a revered idol for decades. Now, it is going away. Their idol lives only in memories. Some, like Charles Manson, still believe in it. So does his look-alike, Jerry Brown. Many Global Warmers have a hard time letting go of an idol that has served them well.

Throngs of easily-manipulated nincompoops had obeyed the idol. They embraced anything that could be called “sustainable”. They endlessly “recycled”. They have changed their diet to “organic”. They try to eat food that is “locally grown”.

From high priest to the simplest believer, they have done as they were told. They have purchased new, expensive light bulbs of dubious safety and efficiency. They do not use plastic bags. They live in tiny houses. Their “environmental footprints” are smaller than the actual footprints of a wealthy Chinese woman in their last dynasty.

Worshippers in their religion decline in number as the climate grows colder. Minnesota, home of the largest populations of pseudo-intellectual white people outside of San Francisco, is, today, paralyzed by heavy snows. A few will be moved by that reality to renounce the reality of Global Warming.

The die-hard believers will soldier on, shivering while worrying about global temperatures that rise only in their minds

They are unable to admit what the saner and smarter see: their God is dead.
