There are three groups. 1. Catholics. 2. semi-Catholics. 3. Atheists.

There are three groups. 1. Catholics. 2. semi-Catholics. 3. Atheists.

Catholics are in the simple-minded group. We believe God spoke Creation into Being. His first “Creating Word” was “Let there be light.” Then, He Spoke the rest of Creation Into Being.

Ages passed. Lots of things happened.

At the appointed time, God took human form to Fulfill The Prophecies. While He Was on earth, Jesus spoke One Church Into Being. His simple, Church-Creating Word is clear.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told us who He would let into Heaven. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics are simple-minded. We think Jesus is always right. We strive to obey Him.


Many protest against that simple, Catholic reality. Where do non-Catholic ideas originate? They are invented by ambitious men with Marketing Plans.

semi-Catholics include 45,000 groups of Protestants. They believe in some of God’s Words. Protestants follow Marketing Plans that reject many Catholic Teachings. The Protestant view of reality is always the same. “I believe in Jesus! I think He was wrong about some things. Still, Jesus has to let me into Heaven.”


Atheists reject all Catholic Teachings. “We may be here. That is the only truth we can know.” Their Marketing Plans take form in Threats of Doom. The more often their Threats of Doom are repeated, the more widely they are believed. Their Threats of Doom are all the same!

“If you do not do what we think is best, the world will end.”


Those are the three groups. 1. Catholics. 2. semi-Catholics. 3. Atheists. What group will each of us be in?


Catholics are simple-minded. Catholics see that there are not three groups of people! Catholics know that Jesus said there are only two groups of people!

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.” is one group.

Others choose to not be among the obedient “friends” of Jesus. What group must they be in?

They must be among His disobedient enemies! They are the other group!


Simple-minded Catholics know one other thing.

Judgment is coming!

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