There are two “ends” in The Book of Revelation!

For 2,000 years, people have been reading The Book of Revelation. Many study The Last Book in The Bible and announce “The end is near!” It is! There are two “ends” in The Book of Revelation! First, there is our end! Our soul will leave our body and go to Judgment.

The Second “end” is really “the end”! Heaven and earth disappear. The City of God comes down from Heaven. It is huge! It’s a perfect cube! It is 1,500 miles long, high, and wide. It is a cube bigger than the State of Colorado!


That “end” happens after The Seven Ages of The Earth are over. They are:

First Age: From Adam to The Flood.

Second Age: From Noah to Abraham. Finally, we have dates! Abraham lived around 2,000 BC.

Third Age: From Abraham to David. About 1,000 BC.

Fourth Age: From David to The Babylonian Captivity. 586 BC

Fifth Age: From Babylon until Jesus. Around the Year One AD.

Sixth Age: The Age of Jesus. Catholics know! That’s where we live!

Seventh Age: What comes next!


The Book of Revelation has more Sevens! There are Seven Seals! Seven Trumpets! Seven Thunderclaps! Seven heads on the Dragon. Seven coronets grow from them.

Then, there are Seven heads on “The Beast from The Sea”. It has 10 horns and 10 coronets.

“The Beast From The Land” appears. Also called “The False Prophet”, it has 1 head and two horns.

Finally, Angels bring Seven Bowls of Plagues. Three foul spirits appear in the form of frogs.

“The Age of Jesus” ends on earth after the Seven Bowls of Plagues.


We look at the Timeline. We are in The Sixth Age. The Seals have been opened. The Sixth Seal describes The Coming of Mary, most perfect of Created Entities, Her Son, and The Catholic Church.

In “The First Battle of The End” the beast from the sea and the second beast from the land were thrown into the lake of burning sulfur. That happened after The Catholic Church was well-established. It may have been around 587 AD, when Reccared, the King of the Spanish Visigoths, renounced Arianism. Soon, Europe became Catholic.

Then, “The Second Battle of The End”. Satan is released from the Abyss “after a thousand years”. He comes back for The Last Battle. He led the early Protestants into willful disobedience to The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

It pays to be Catholic! We are blessed with Catholic priests to whom Jesus gave This Power! “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”!

Those who die after Absolution have our names “written in The Book of Life”!

What more does anyone who reads The Book of Revelation need to know?

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