There are two peoples on earth: Baptized and unBaptized.

There are two peoples on earth: Baptized and unBaptized. unBaptized people cannot think well. Original Sin clouds their minds. It keeps them from understanding God and His Power. Baptism opens eyes and minds to God.

Babylon is built on unBaptized people! They are easily confused. “It’s on the news! It must be true!”

unBaptized Babylonians love to hear: “You are smart and good! You must prove that by believing our marketing messages! ‘Eat this food!’ ‘Buy this car!’ ‘Vote for our candidate!’ Wear this style!”

Babylon’s marketing messages to the unBaptized are built on this Underlying Error: “Feel good about yourself! You only live once!”


Why does Babylon hate Baptism? The Book of Revelation, Chapter 18, tells us that each of us is part of the “sea” of people.

When we follow Jesus, we are no longer looted by Babylon’s “captains and seafaring men”. We understand that the “captains” of the “seafaring men” run huge organizations. “Sea-faring men” get money from we who make up the “sea” of people.

They order the invention of marketing plans, products, and ideas that keep many in the “sea” from being Baptized and thinking clearly.


What happens when people follow God instead of Babylon? The 18th Chapter of Revelation also teaches us all we need to know about earthly economics!

“There will be weeping and distress over her (Babylon) among all the traders of the earth when there is nobody left to buy their cargoes of goods…”


A Baptized person is able to understand. “I have an immortal soul. I want my immortal soul to spend eternity in Heaven. He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told us who He will let into Heaven. ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.‘”

Baptism is important! It is the first step to being among the obedient “friends” of Jesus.

The sooner a person is Baptized, the more time he or she has to think clearly! It takes time to understand the ongoing battle between us and the unBaptized “captains and seafaring men”.

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