There are Winners and Sinners. The Worst Sinners are Spinners.

There are Winners and Sinners. The Worst Sinners are Spinners.

Catholic Saints are life’s Big Winners! Catholic Saints love Jesus. They obey His Church-Founding Word unto death!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Winners get to Heaven. They strive to obey all that Jesus taught. They follow the examples of the obedient, Saintly Winners! We learn Truth and History. We know that Catholic priests are Ordained in Living Link with The First Catholic Bishops.

Winners know that The First Catholic Bishops were Ordained by Jesus. Winners say: “Me and my soul are staying in The Living Link with Jesus!”

Jesus empowered His priests to provide “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

One of seven “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” is the Actual Body and Blood of Jesus. Jesus told us how important That Holy Food is!

Jesus repeated His Clear Call to Catholic Communion fourteen times! “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Winners do what is necessary to receive The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus.

Winners have “life in” us!

Other “Winners” are people of good will who do not knowingly and willfully reject The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being.


Sinners do reject The Actual Church-Founding Word of Jesus.

Sinners also reject The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus. They choose to not “have life in” them.

We all have free will. Sinners can choose to be Winners. And, the reverse is true.


Spinners are the worst Sinners. They “spin” the Words of Jesus. “Listen to me! If you give me money, I will tell you what you want to hear! You want to hear me tell you: ‘You are so smart and good that Jesus has to let you into Heaven!”

What did Jesus promise Spinners? “If you lead a little one of Mine astray it would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea.?”

Sinners and Spinners ignore that!

Sinners and Spinners choose not to be Winners!

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