There aren’t many “New Thoughts”.  Readers of this Page have found one! 


There aren’t many “New Thoughts”.  Readers of this Page have found one!    What is the “New Thought”?  We realize what Jesus told us!  A human soul is so buoyant that it takes a weight the size of a millstone to pull it down to hell!

Mt. 18:6.  “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

We clearly see!  It takes the weight of a “large millstone” to pull a human soul down into the water!

Our soul may take up no more space in our brain than a distant star takes in the night sky.

Catholics see how miraculously “buoyant” our tiny soul is!


We know that a “large millstone” weighs about a ton!  That’s two thousand pounds!  908 Kilograms!  That’s how much weight it takes to sink a soul!

~What is Jesus Telling Us?~

Catholics know that Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.  Jesus tells us in Two Passages that it takes a “millstone-sized” weight to sink a soul.

That Word of Jesus tells us that we see things backwards!

We think of souls as being as light as a puff of smoke!  In God’s World, a tiny soul has so much buoyancy that it takes a one ton millstone to sink it!

God’s Reality is different than ours!  His Word has given us a profound clue to His Underlying Truth!


This “New Thought” makes Protestants uncomfortable.  They prefer the conventional Protestant thinking that keeps God hidden in the closet.

We Catholics are used to thinking about God’s Power!  We know that Jesus Empowered Catholic Priests with the Authority to preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation!  They change bread and wine into His Body and Blood!

Catholics know that Jesus gave Catholic priests This Power, too: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Catholics don’t have any trouble with the “New Thought”!  We are glad to learn more about God!  We know it takes a huge “millstone” to pull a tiny soul deep into the sea.

Catholics know this fact!  Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.

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