There is Not a Free Press. There is, However, an Expensive Press.

The persisting innocence that anyone employed by the expensive press cares more about anything than getting paid is mind-numbing. The fable that reporters and editors are like Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Perry Mason persists in coloring every nations’ view of its media.

In actual fact, media outlets are under the thumb of the state. Realizing that is difficult. Most of us still have some vestigial respect for our neighbors’ credibility. So, it’s hard for us to say “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” at nearly every news release. But, coming to any other conclusion is not supported by the facts.

The Expensive Press costs a lot to run. Those who pay the piper call the tune. Thus has it been. Thus it will be. Our first duty is to understand that most of what is called “the news” is what people are willing to pay to have broadcast. Our second, to pray for those who twist truth for cash.

An Amazing Occurrence:

St. Luke’s Church in Bladensburg, Md., will become later this year the first American Episcopal Parish to convert to Catholicism, Anglicanism’s one-time nemesis.
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It’s surprising that such conversions haven’t been happening more frequently. There are few organizations outside the Episcopalian belief system that have raised form so toweringly high above substance.
