Things are better than ever. Be happy.

There are a lot of us worrying about “how bad things are”.  Many are convinced we’re approaching a state of collapse in the markets.  The fact is:  Things are better than ever.  Be happy.

Gloom and doom is everywhere.  But, things aren’t as bad as the doom merchants would have us believe.  When we look at food prices, we see that, in constant dollars, a lot of what we eat is cheaper than ever (from carpe diem):


Why are so many prices lower than they were thirty years ago?  Automation.  Every part of the food chain is providing lower costs.

Governments have responded by raising taxes and increasing spending.  How do they pay for it?  They let the market efficiencies pay.  While deficits and spending have been increasing, costs have been lowered.  So, prices are cheaper.

Jobs are less plentiful.  That’s to be expected with more automation.

We can be depressed about the growth of the welfare state.  But, it does seem to be working.  Welfare recipients are not just getting food, fuel, medical, and housing assistance.  They’re also getting cash.

The wonderful age of plenty in which more and more of us are living has an overlooked advantage:  Every human being has more opportunities to pray, study, help neighbors, and grow closer to God.

As more of us grow happier with that, the world will continue to be a better place.  Things are better than ever.  Be happy.
