Why Things are Bad and Getting Worse.

When we see the usual graphs showing housing, unemployment, illegal immigration, taxes, public debt, and all the other economic measures clearly portrayed, it’s easy to realize that things are bad and getting worse. Political parties have two solutions. One says, “Spend more!” The other, “Spend less!”

The problem is not political. The fact is, God has turned His face from us. He is as disgusted with us for abortion and birth control as He was with the Jews and Israelites who turned to them after their exile in Egypt. He looks upon us with disgust as a hundred and fifteen thousand unborn babies are aborted every day. It is as if He has decreed: “If they love death that much, I will give them death.”

The sons of Ishmael are the means by which He delivers His destruction of peoples who loved their leisure more than God and their children. The Moslems do not allow birth control or abortion in their lands. So, He is giving large chunks of Europe to them. They are His only way to protect life. He knows that they are programmed to kill all of His enemies in the formerly Christian nations, and has allowed that to happen. He knows they will erase all those who willingly break His commandments and ignore His teaching in every area. Moslems will assault and overwhelm the strongholds of those who flout the very God Who made them, blessed them, and watched in disgust as they turned from Him and became worse than the pagans who preceded them in Europe.
