Things are Worse Than We Realize.

For the past century or so, those addicted to taxation have usually exerted some effort to allow the productive sectors of society to make progress. While they were allowed to increase efficiencies as fast as they could, the left would increase taxes on consumers. Now, the left’s dislike of productive and intellectual processes has reached a fever pitch. As they are increasing taxes, they are also instituting controls that make it increasingly difficult for the productive private sector to increase production efficiencies.

The greed of the tax-addicted has, in a word, become overwhelming. Each day, increased controls on the production of energy, goods, and services strangles efficiency. Costs of everything consumers need are increasing.

Consumers Now Forced to Spend More Than They Have.

Few of us cared much about higher taxes as long as the cost of goods dropped. When taxes went up and costs of goods and services went down, each consumer’s net outflow was the same. The cost of goods dropped for two reasons; either automation and/or importation from places with low-cost labor.

Low cost, overseas labor was allowed to destroy American jobs. The left was always in favor of allowing “free trade” because it let them raise taxes, which were counterbalanced in consumer budgets by reduced costs of imported goods and services.

Now, taxes are going up while global costs of goods and services are increasing. This causes a big squeeze, followed by shortages of goods and services. The other side has nearly reached a point for which it strives, wholesale destruction of nations and peoples.

Americans, who used to be able to innovate endless production improvements, are hamstrung by their own governments, while consumers are reduced to increasing poverty. The number of Americans who declared bankruptcy last month went up by about 10%.
