There is only one noun, and that is “program”. As I look out my window this morning, I see a robin hopping around the yard, looking for something small to eat.
As a Catholic Fundamentalist, I understand that the “robin” is actually a representative of “the robin program” and that he is trying to integrate a worm or insect program into his larger, more powerful program. He is hopping over various grass and weed programs, surrounded by the many gas programs that comprise the atmosphere program. Beneath him, layers of mineral programs reach down to the molten core. Above him, the sun program provides the energy it has been programmed to provide to sustain the many living programs on the earth program.
One way to grow closer to God, The Unprogrammed Programmer, is to rightly understand that every entity is a program, whether created by Him or by one of His seemingly infinite programs. The robin program that is in front of me, for instance, is in the process of finding a place where he can help his mate create a nest program out of materials that have been programmed with that, and many other uses, by the power of the Three Dimensional Programmer’s many, many, many programs.