When we think of our prayers

When we think of our prayers as arrows or bullets able to change the minds of those at whom they are aimed, we have to remember that they’re very small. It may take years of prayer to actually restructure another’s mind. That’s why Jesus’s prayers were so remarkable. His very presence caused demons to flee. The more we pray, the stronger our prayers become, and we’re able to make changes more quickly.

We may wonder exactly how prayers work. Are they like a cue ball, sent rapidly into a rack and splitting off the undesired target balls? Or, are they like an arrow, quivering endlessly in a target, the vibrations slowly changing it to operate on another frequency? They may, like a laser, literally evaporate that at which they are aimed.

We see from The Programming Logs, for instance in the passage about the demons going into a herd of pigs, that targeted demons are not necessarily destroyed, but are forced to vacate. Their eviction allows the person to restructure his mind in a way that helps it prefer to operate with truth rather than with lies.
