In one, short sentence, a master of propaganda explains all we need to know about problems like global warming, second-hand smoke, obesity, and all the other imaginary problems we’re called upon to solve with higher taxes and more regulations.
Today, in what’s basically peacetime, the different agencies of the government do most of the playing on our more varied media keyboards. NASA distorts global warming statistics, the EPA magnifies pollution problems, and education agencies promote more spending on public education to “give everyone a level playing field”.
The news is hollow because that’s the way it is. We go through stages in how we hear the discordant tunes. When we see that they’re off-key, we are at first angry. Then, some of us get to the level of understanding that recognizes that lying is a fundamental aspect of those who have chosen not to worship God.
When we recognize that, we may want to pray for them to turn from the false gods of self and popularity and begin to worship He Who made us all with free will.