Thinking clearly tells Catholics: “It’s better to be bright than smart.” 5.

.                                  For 2,000 years, Catholics have been able to get our souls to shine more brightly!


Question 1:   “Why do Catholics think it is better to be bright than smart?”

Answer:  “The most important thing on earth is to have our souls shine brightly enough to be taken into Heaven!”


Question 2:  “How do we get our souls to shine brightly enough for That?”

Answer:  “Every time we obey a Teaching of Jesus, our soul shines more brightly.”


Question 3:  “What happens when we disobey Teachings of Jesus?”

Answer:  “Disobedience darkens our soul.  God does not want ‘dark souls’ in Heaven.”


Question 4:  “How do we get our souls to shine brightly enough to be pleasing to God at our Judgment?”

Answer:  “Obedience makes our souls shine this brightly!   ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5:  “How do we get our souls to shine That brightly?”

Answer:  “We begin by thinking clearly enough to obey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


Question 6:  “Is being Catholic the only thing we have to do?”

Answer:  “No!  Every minute of every hour of every day, we try to guide our thoughts, words, and actions by Catholic Teaching.”


Question 7:  “How does That make our soul shine more brightly?”

Answer:  “Every time we receive a Catholic Sacrament, our soul shines more brightly.”


Question 8:  “What makes it shine?”

Answer:  “God’s Holy Energy flows into our soul when Catholics confess our sins and get ‘Absolution’ from a Catholic priest!   They are the only people on earth specifically given This Power by Jesus Christ in John 20:23.  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”  That lets our soul shine as brightly as a Baptized baby’s soul!”


Question 9:  “What can Catholics do after That?”

Answer:  “We get to obey The Call to Catholic Communion!  Jesus repeated That 14 times!  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 10:   “What does That do for our soul?”

Answer:  “That Holy Food makes our soul shine more brightly.  Our Catholic ancestors in Heaven can see it and thank God for Blessing us.”


Question 11:   “Do you Catholics believe all That?”

Answer:  “Minds whose souls are darkened by disobedience do not believe!  They affirm that we are on God’s Road to Heaven!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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