This is the prayer too big for Protestants!

This is the prayer too big for Protestants!

Catholics pray for Big Things!  Catholic know:  “We know that we owe our lives to our ancestors.  Our ancestors loved life enough to have the children who had the children who, over thousands of years, turned into us!”

That is why we pray for the souls of our ancestors.  The fact that they loved life enough to have children may have been enough to keep them out of hell.  Their souls may have been in Purgatory for a thousand years, and more.

Today, our Catholic prayers may set them free!  Every Catholic must be a “Defense Attorney”, pleading before The Judge:

“Please, release the souls of my ancestors!  They were sinful people!  They rejected The Only Church You Founded, Your Honor.  But, they did love life enough to pass it on!  That love of life is a love of YOU!   Their love of life did result in me being here.  Because they loved life, at least a little, I am here, now.  I am in The Only Church YOU Founded!  I beg of You:  Please, release their souls from prison!”

Once, I had a vision.  Dim outlines of people, dressed in clothes that had been out of fashion for more than a hundred years, were suddenly visible.

I realized:  “They are hollow!  They are only dim outlines.”  I was led to understand that is what the souls of those in Purgatory looked like.  They had been hollowed out by sin.  Only their outlines remained.

They pleaded with me:

‘Please, please, pray for us!  You are the only hope we have!  If you do not ask God to be merciful to us, no one else will!  Please, pray for us!”

So, I began to pray:  “Dear God, please bless the souls of all my ancestors and all their descendants.  Please bless the lives, souls, and endeavors of our family on earth, forever.”

I was at peace.  I was a Catholic.  I was doing my duty.

Every person on earth should pray to have Catholic descendants who will pray for  them in The Only Church that was specifically given:  “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!

This is the prayer too big for Protestants!
