This Rule rules! “Pride + Disobedience = Protestantism”.

Two Thousand Years prove This Rule rules! “Pride + Disobedience = Protestantism”.

The First Protestant was proud to disobey Jesus. Judas proved that This Rule rules! “Pride + Disobedience = Protestantism”.


Fifteen hundred years later, Martin Luther was proud to disobey The Holy Vows he made to Jesus. He attacked This Truth of Jesus and The Church His Word Spoke Into Being!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Again, we see! This Rule rules! “Pride + Disobedience = Protestantism”.

Since Luther, over 45,000 men have invented Marketing Plans. They turned them into the confusion of 45,000 denominations! 45,000 times, we have seen: This Rule rules! “Pride + Disobedience = Protestantism”.


The first word in The Rule is “Pride”.

Some Pride is good. We take Pride in being honest. We take Pride in our families. Catholics are Proud of striving to respectfully obey Every Word of Jesus.


“unHoly Photons” live to pervert Pride. “unHoly Photons” lead us to take Pride in our feelings instead of the good we may do. “unHoly Photons” are demons. They take form in thoughts that lead us to think we are more important than we are.

Those “living, unHoly photons” want us to replace obedience to God with self-gratification.

“unHoly Photons” lead to this disobedience. “God will not tell me what to do! I will think, say, and do what I want.”


Our mind is a battlefield. God’s “Holy photons” are angels. They are tiny bolts of living lightning. They flash in the clouds of electrons that are the thoughts in our mind. God’s “Holy Photons” encourage obedience to God. Angels and demons battle for our soul!

What is our soul? “The Immortal Photon” who is us!


Every demon on earth has one unHoly mission! “We will encourage disobedience to Every Word of God!

We understand the source of every confusion on earth. This Rule rules! “Pride + Disobedience = Protestantism”.

In every nation, in every age, Protestantism is followed by chaos, slavery, and death.

We see that proven every time we watch whatever “news” we are allowed to see.

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