Thoughts on environmentalism and ists.Thomas Edison brought light to the world. Ralph Nader worries about being blinded.
One man makes money by making things that are new and better. Another makes far more money by suing people who make things new and better. This can be seen most clearly in the asbestos lawsuits.
Asbestos was a harmless, remarkable inert mineral that made much progress possible. Since it was everywhere, it became a target. Largely imaginary problems were attributed to it, and those involved with it were successfully sued into bankruptcy.
Medical records were falsified, injuries were invented, and many lost their jobs. Others were impoverished by the legislated need to come up with expensive substitutes for asbestos that didn’t work as well.
Asbestos became one of history’s most profitable Complex Frauds. Those involved in it are, of course, destined for the 8th Circle, or below.
Global Warming is another Complex Fraud. It is vastly larger than the Asbestos Scares.
Environmentalism, like its cousin, Marxism, offers the greedy many opportunities to accumulate money. At the same time, it offers the vain the notion that they are vastly more intelligent than they are.
Fraud upon fraud.