The Three Frauds of Babylon.

Babylonians have always invented problems to feel useful, justify taxes, and boss people around. Babylonians have three kinds of problems. Babylonian problems are Imaginary, Self-Inflicted, or Ignored Until They Generate More Funding.

1. Wonderful Imaginary Problems are built on variations downloaded within The Creation Program. Possible changes are milked. Natural variations in ozone layers are said to be “Dangerous!” Babylonians then impose regulations. “The ozone hole is caused by freon.” The price of freon then goes from a dollar a can at Wal-Mart to $30.00 for a similar amount that can only be installed by “licensed professionals”.

Cyclical changes in temperature and rainfall are, similarly, demonized. Such Imaginary Problems provide excuses to tax electricity and gasoline, keeping more people poor and dependent.

2. Self-Inflicted problems abound in social “services”. Educators are careful not to use phonics or teach real math skills. Reading focuses on Imaginary Problems. The less people are taught, the more easily they are controlled. Soccer balls deaden the brains of children, making them less able to realize the extent of Babylon’s abuse.

In various “Welfare” programs, people are paid to have illegitimate children that will repeat the process. That generates endless funding. If the money spent on people involved in “welfare” programs were divided among the poor, their incomes would approach six figures. Can’t have that! Babylon much prefers the more destructive illegitimacy that helps only those who believe in its hurtful religion. The “War” on drugs causes similar casualties, making the problems worse than they would otherwise be, providing more income for more Babylonians.

3. Problems that are Ignored Until They Generate More Funding include not stopping aggressive people in foreign nations. The arming of Japan was allowed to continue until Pearl harbor, when truly wondrous amounts of money were spent at Babylon’s behest. Similarly, Germany was allowed to expand until Babylon was given an excuse to generate vast incomes to stop what could have been contained with a very small police action or assassin. Communism, similarly, could have been contained quickly, but Babylon saw the opportunities for its idols to gain worshipers.

How do we know what problems are Babylonian in nature? They always favor coercive funding, regulation, and death while providing the lies to justify their vanity’s deep desires. The results? The once-great city of Babylon is now an uninhabited ruin. That is the success Babylonians want to impose upon the world.

Opposing Babylon? The Only Church Jesus Founded instructs us to love God and our neighbor.
