Time is money.

Money is a form of energy for human beings. Time is another form of money. Time is often distorted so that people can get money from their neighbors. In gambling casinos, there are no windows or clocks so that people have a harder time keeping track of time.

Public Educators are skilled at manipulating time. They know that students get older every year and will soon be gone. So, they’ve learned kill time by “studying” whatever shortcomings or problems parents identify. Such studies will last until the child has left the premises, and the parent has to deal with a whole new school, where more employees will happily pretend to busy themselves “studying” the suggested problems.

When they need to manifest their power, bureaucrats greatly extend the time that can be lost to prison sentences. Whole lifetimes are wasted when people are over-sentenced for petty crimes so that bureaucrats can demonstrate their strength by taking time from those helpless before them.

Time is also manipulated by public sector unions. “We are asking for very small raises, but we do need for our pensions to be ‘fairer’. It won’t cost anything, now.”

Like a tsunami, waves of pension obligations will come rolling down upon the taxpayers, washing many of them away because time was used against them. Time is money.

We each have about 25,000 days to live. We will each have about 15,000 workdays. 7,000 will be taken from us in order to pay taxes to those with the power to collect them.

Time is money. Loving those who steal it from us is one of Christ’s challenges that Catholic Fundamentalists try to take.
