“Tithe 10%!” is a scam.

In Old Testament times, faithful believers were told to “Tithe 10%!” Then, it was necessary. Today, “Tithe 10%!” is a scam.

Today, the poor have help. America’s poor have better medical care than billions of people in all of Asia and Africa! Prescriptions are free. Public housing is free. Heating assistance is free. Education is free.
Water, sewage, and electric bills are free. Free cell phones are provided. Food stamps provide so much free food that America’s poor are the plumpest people in the world. They should demand free diets!

Today, “Tithe 10%!” is a scam.

Smarter Christians realize that Protestantism should stop getting money under false pretenses. Today, “Tithe 10%!” is a scam. The Profiteers of Protestantism need 10% tithes. Their costs are high. Their ministers have children. Their children have college bills. Their congregations are disappearing. Many can’t afford the cost. They leave with the cry, “Tithe 10%!” echoing in their ears.

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Smarter Protestants consider the costs of running 300,000 Protestant churches in 45,000 denominations. The economic inefficiency is staggering! Many survive on disappearing endowments left by earlier, more prosperous Protestants. They are running out of money. “Tithe 10%!” is more for the benefit of their clergy than for the poor.

What really hurts Protestant churches? Protestant denominations are under continual attack by newer, bigger Protestant churches with lower costs. They are proud to run like businesses. They have their own Marketing Departments! They use mass media. They know how to work the system!

New Protestant mega-churches are bankrupting the small, inefficient Protestant churches. There is one consistency. Big, modern outlets of Protestantism also ignore that “Tithe 10%!” is a scam.

Catholics are stunned to see how the Profiteers of Protestantism drain their donors. Those in The Only Church Jesus Founded tithe one or two percent.

It pays to be Catholic in more ways than one!

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