To whom does God “Show His Glory”? To Catholics! #26.

Catholics learn from The Prophets who Predicted The Coming of Jesus and from Jesus.  He and His Church save us from “drowning in confusion”.

Catholics learn from The Prophets who Predicted The Coming of Jesus and from Jesus.  He and His Church save us from “drowning in confusion”.


Question 1:  “Who tells us that God ‘shows His Glory’ to Catholics?”

Answer:  “The Prophet Isaiah!  Today’s Reading, Isaiah 49:1-6 begins with God’s Prophecies about His Prophets.

Prophecy #1 tells us all the earth will hear God’s Word from Isaiah: ‘Hear me, O islands, listen, O distant peoples.’

Prophecy #2 tells us that Isiah was brought to earth to be a Prophet:  ‘The Lord called me from birth,’ 

Prophecy #3 tells us when he was specifically ‘named’ by God to be a Prophet:  ‘from my mother’s womb He gave me my name.’  Every molecule of DNA in his mother’s womb was there to let him hear and speak God’s Word.

Prophecy #4 tells us what God made Isaiah to be:  ‘He made of me a sharp-edged sword.’  He would cut lies and deceptions away from those who heard and read The Words from God he shared on earth.

Prophecy #5 predicted where Isaiah would live:  ‘and concealed me in the shadow of His arm.’

Prophecy #6 tells us that he would send Words of God into people’s minds around the world for all the time to follow:  ‘He made me a polished arrow,’

Prophecy #7 tells us he was chosen to live among all the Prophets and Holy People (God’s ‘arrows’!) who served God:  ‘in His quiver He hid me.’

Prophecy #8 describes every Catholic’s True Purpose in Life:  ‘You are my servant, He said to me.’

Prophecy #9 tells us that it would be The Twelve Tribes of Israel, and not just Judah, through whom God’s Glory would be shown:  ‘Israel, through whom I show my glory.’


Question 2:  “Did many leaders among The Tribe of Judah resent God and His Prophets for not praising them above The other 11 Tribes?”

Answer:  “Some of that Tribe’s leaders hated God’s Living Words so much that they arranged for the murder of some Prophets and The Messiah Whose Coming to Earth was predicted by the ‘polished arrows in God’s quiver’.


Question 3:  “What other Prophecies did Isaiah make in Today’s short Reading?”

Answer: “Prophecy #10 describes every Catholic’s life on earth with Isaiah’s thoughts and what we would gain by following his teachings:  ‘Though I thought I had toiled in vain, and uselessly spent my strength for nothing, yet my reward is with The Lord, my recompense is with my God.’


Question 4:  “How will Catholics be ‘rewarded’ and ‘recompensed’?”

Answer:  “Prophesy #11 tells us!  Catholics help our beloved neighbors in The Twelve Tribes of Jacob to be in The Only Church Spoken Into Being by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies and get these otherwise unavailable ‘keys’‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.

Prophecy #12 explains that over 300 Prophecies about Jesus took Living Form on Earth at His birth in Bethlehem:  ‘For now The Lord has spoken Who formed me as His servant from the womb,  that Jacob may be brought back to Him and Israel gathered to Him.’

Prophecy #13 tells us there is only one way ‘That Jacob may be brought back to Him and Israel gathered to Him.’  Be Catholic!”

Prophecy #14 begins to tell what we gain by being Catholic:  ‘And I am made glorious in the sight of The Lord, and my God is now my strength!’

Prophecy #15 tells us to do more!  ‘It is too little, God says, for you to be My servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore the survivors of Israel;’


Question 5:  “What more can every Catholic do?”

Answer:  “Prophecy 15 tells us what we can ask God to let us be!  ‘I will make you a light to the nations, that My salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.’

Every Catholic can do more to save our beloved neighbors from ‘drowning in confusion’.”


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