Today, Catholics solve The Catholic Mystery of Jesus and John The Baptist. #81.

Today, Catholics solve The Catholic Mystery of Jesus and John The Baptist, the Last Prophet.

Today, Catholics solve The Catholic Mystery of Jesus and John The Baptist, the Last Prophet.


Question 1:  “What is The Catholic Mystery of Jesus about John The Baptist?”

Answer:  “Jesus introduces The Catholic Mystery of Jesus and John The Baptist in Mt. 1:11, ‘Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist.’  Jesus then gives us The Catholic Mystery:  ‘Yet whoever is least in The Kingdom of Heaven be greater than he.’


Question 2:  “John The Baptist was born and named by God before he went on to fulfill the Prophecy of Isaiah 40:3 and ‘prepare a highway for our God’  and be ‘God’s ‘messenger of The Covenant’ from Malachi  3:1. How can Jesus be right to say:  ‘the least soul in Heaven be greater than he.’?”

Answer:  “That is The Catholic Mystery!   The Last Prophet was martyred by Herod.  The Son of God told us we could be ‘greater’ than John The Baptist!'”


Question 3:  “I want to be sure I understand!  Does obeying The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 12 times in John, 6 and two more times at The Last Supper make us ‘greater’ than the Prophets?”

Answer:  “That ‘greatness’ comes to every Catholic when we obey:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  Catholic Communion also connects us with Miracles from Moses in Exodus 16:4 and 8:  ‘I will rain down bread from Heaven for you.’  and ‘The Lord gives you flesh to eat in the evening’ The Simple Fact:  Every Catholic soul is sanctified and ‘made greater than John’ by receiving The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ from Catholic priests in The Miracle of Catholic Communion.”


Question 4:  “Is it insane to believe in a God Who can provide His Actual Body and Blood by The Miracle of Transubstantiation to a hundred billion people for 2,000 years who are thereby made ‘greater’ than God’s Holy Prophets?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics are blessed with the sanity to most meaningfully worship The God Who is That Power.”

