Today is a Very Important Catholic Day: Remembering our Guardian Angel!

Only Catholics are blessed to understand:  “My Guardian Angel can help my soul find an opening the size of one grain of sand in all of North America!”

Only Catholics are blessed to understand:  “My Guardian Angel can help my soul find an opening the size of one grain of sand in all of North America!”


Question 1:  “Why are Catholics blessed to know we have a Guardian Angel?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics Trust Jesus enough to be in The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Since ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’, The Church shares God’s Truth when She Teaches that each of us has a Guardian Angel who is one of our ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven!’


Question 2:  “Is our Guardian Angel with us from the moment we were conceived?”

Answer:  “Mt 18:10 is clear:  ‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I say to you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father Who is in Heaven.’ His Words, ‘little ones’, describe us from the moment of our conception, when our entire being was as ‘little’ as a grain of salt.”


Question 3:  “Do Catholics talk to our Guardian Angel”?

Answer:  “Catholics are blessed to make this Plea for Consecration ‘Angel of God, my guardian dear / To whom God’s love commits me here.  Ever this day be at my side / to light and guard, to rule and guide.’  Then, we ask our Guardian Angel to:  Take me by the Hand:  I promise Docile obedience to your guidance so that I may attain eternal happiness. Amen.’

We pray that our Guardian Angel will ‘lead me to union with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’.  Catholics connect that with Mt 13:43, so we may be forever where:  ‘the righteous will shine like the sun.” 


Question 4:  “How do Guardian Angels help us?”

Answer:  “They can move ‘thought photons’ around in our minds.  Tiny, sub-atomic particles come together to form our thoughts and desires.  Guardian Angels help us shine ‘God’s Light’ on sinful thoughts that darken all they can.


Question 5: “What are ‘sinful thoughts’?”

Answer:  “Living evils led by fallen angels in their seven tribes of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.  Those ‘dark sparks’ hide God’s Light in everyone they can.”


Question 6:  “What does our Guardian Angel do when our soul leaves our body?”

Answer:  “His last help for us is to guide our soul to Heaven.  Only Catholics realize how hard that is!  Revelation 21:15-27 tells us the 3 ‘gates’ in each of Heaven’s 1,500 x 1,500 mile walls is 2,250,000 square mile walls or 58,27,473 sk, is a single ‘pearl’Our ‘gate’ may be no bigger than a few pearlescent molecules, smaller than this:  .

We desperately need our Guardian Angel to help us find the ‘gate’ for which of the ‘Twelve Tribes of God’s People’ each of us is in.  Finding ‘Heaven’s gate’  for our soul may be as hard as finding an opening the size of one grain of sand in all of North America!”


May everyone who believes in The Power of God to bless us with a Guardian Angel repeat this simple request in rhyme:

‘Keep me good, keep me clean. / Don’t let me be bad or mean.'”

