Today’s Catholic Reading begins and ends with “Be Catholic!” #23.

Catholics connect the beginning and end in every part of life.

Catholics connect the beginning and end in every part of life.


Question 1:  “What ‘beginning’ do Catholics see in Today’s Reading from Hebrews 7:25-8:6 that tells everyone on earth to ‘Be Catholic!’?”

Answer:  “We see the Truth that Jesus died to leave on earth:  ‘Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through Him.’ 

Even the worst and greediest sinner can be saved by living in the humility of “approaching God” through The Church-Creating Word of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies to the first Catholic Pope in Mt. 16:18-20:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’  Every sinner get those ‘keys’ from He Who gave His Life to leave them on earth!


Question 2:  “Does Today’s Psalm 40:7-10 and 40 tell the worst and greediest sinner how to be saved?”

Answer:  “We begin by choosing to obey The First Commandment and ‘put no other gods before Him’Then, we say:  ‘Here I am Lord;  I come to do your will.’  We realize: ‘God wishes not sacrifice and oblation, but ears open to obedience.’  We know:  ‘To do your will, O my God, is my delight and your law is written in my heart.  I announced your justice in the vast assembly, and did not restrain my lips.’  We strive to be among those who say, ‘The Lord be glorified!’


Question 3:  “Did thousands of people walk tens of thousands of miles to hear Jesus bring His Life to their Faith?”

Answer:  “Mark 3:7-2 tells us ‘They came from Tyre and Sidon on the Mediterranean Sea and from Edom in the East and Judea in the South to listen to Jesus in Galilee’.  The ‘crushing crowd’ would be so huge that ‘Jesus ordered His Disciples to have a boat ready.’ so He could speak to those who heard His Word and saw Him cure ‘those who had diseases.’


Question 4: “What did ‘unclean spirits’ do when they saw Jesus?”

Answer:  “‘ . . ‘they would fall down before Him and shout:  ‘You are The Son of God!’


Question 5:  “What did Jesus tell the ‘unclean spirits’?”

Answer:  “‘He warned them sternly not to make Him known.’


Question 6: “Why did Jesus tell ‘unclean spirits not to make Him known’?”

Answer: “Every person on earth must ‘begin’ by finding for ourselves Who Jesus Is before the ‘end’ of our life.”


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “May God bless me to think so well / I save my precious soul from hell.”
