Today’s Reading From Mark:

Reading From Mark

Gospel Mk 3:20-21

“Jesus came with His disciples into the house.
Again the crowd gathered,
making it impossible for them even to eat.
When His relatives heard of this they set out to seize Him,
for they said, ‘He is out of His mind.'”

The spiritual heirs of His relatives say the same thing about devout Catholics. “They are out of their minds.” is a common description of those who follow Him. The more thoroughly a person believes and obeys, the more “out of his mind” they are said to be.
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It’s an interesting phrase. If one is not “in his mind”, then, one must be out of it. Some are “out of their mind” because of sin. They are driven to destruction by desires they won’t resist. They leave their minds, and sink into the depths below rational thought, overwhelmed by a search for feeling.

Others leave their minds by focusing their thoughts, words, and deeds on He Who programmed and downloaded their souls, minds, and bodies within The Creation Program. They have moved upwards from their connections with the world.

We, too, should move “out of our minds” toward He Who made them.

This reading from Mark was brought to you by Catholic Fundamentalism.


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