Today’s Reading shows where sin leads.

Jesus is clear: “My sheep hear My Voice. I know them and they follow Me.”

Jesus is clear: “My sheep hear My Voice. I know them and they follow Me.”


Question 1: “Does Today’s Reading from 1 Cor, 5:1-8 show where sin leads?”

Answer: “An awful ‘immorality’ led a man to ‘live with his father’s wife’. Some were so ‘infated by pride’ they ‘boasted’ about their sin instead of ‘expellng’ them from their group of Catholics at Corinth. Paul correctly saw he should ‘be delivered to Satan so his flesh could be destroyed and his spirit could be saved at Judgment.’


Question 2: What did St. Paul tell them to do?”

Answer: “He told them to ‘clean out the old yeast so they could become a ‘fresh batch of dough’, and receive Catholic Communion, ‘the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.’ provided by Catholic priests at every Mass following The Last Supper.”


Question 3: “Did King David’s Psalms say that, a thousand years earlier?”

Answer: “Psalm 5:5-7 and 12 are clear: ‘You, O God, delight not in wickedness; no evil man remains with You; the arrogant may not stand in Your sight. You hate all evil doers, You destroy all who speak falsehood, but let all who take refuge in You be glad and exult, forever’, requesting “Lead me in Your justice, Lord.’

All that is summed up Today in John 10:27, ‘My sheep hear My voice.’, says The Lord; ‘I know them and they follow Me.’


Question 4: “What does Jesus do for those He ‘knows’?”

Answer: “He has ‘chosen’ them to be Catholic, receive His Body and Blood, ‘leaven’ their minds and souls, and ‘follow’ Him to Heaven.'”


Question 5: “Does He do that for Willful Protestants?”

Answer: “‘The gates of hell have not prevailed’ over The Church Spoken into Being by This Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Catholic Teaching has been clear for 2,000 years: “People of Good Will may be saved if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.”


Question 6: “What does that mean?”

Answer: “Be Catholic!”

