From Trinitarian disputes to Global Warming.

No theological concept has caused as much discord among the scattered tribes of Jacob as The Trinity. Different ideas about The Trinity have long been used as an excuse to divide the Orthodox Churches from the Roman Catholic Church.

Political power naturally followed whatever Trinitarian Doctrine could be established. That’s why ambitious politicians from Theodosius to Cromwell were quick to use different ideas about The Trinity as an excuse to foment transfers of political power to their advantage.

As the big split between Roman and Greek Churches was accomplished, differing ideas about Trinity separated the Tribes who’d moved into the Western part Europe. Trinitarian and non-Trinitarian doctrines have divided Catholics from many Protestants who eschew the notion of The Trinity.

Among the first to abhor the idea of The Trinity was Arius. His theology split the Arian Christians from the Roman Catholics in the early centuries of The Church. The Arians resurfaced as Puritans. During Cromwell’s “Protectorate”, they ruled England. The Puritans then turned into Unitarians. Today, they have become Environmentalists, as always, replacing the idea of worshipping The Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with whatever raises the most taxes.

Visualizing The Trinity.

We can improve our knowledge of The Trinity by projecting from ourselves. We all know that one man may be a father, a son, and a husband. He is one person who, at one time, may have three aspects of himself. We also know that a human being who programs is, in a sense, programmer, program, and living connection between the two.

The modern Trinitarian may extrapolate from that. God, The Programmer, is able to program in many dimensions. The Program, as it is written, is what brought particles, structures, and beings into near-instantaneous existence. A most complicated part of His Program is providing free will to the billions of human beings who interrelate with each other and their surroundings. The Program is summed up in Jesus Christ, the Living Son (Living, Loving Program) of the Living, Loving Father (Programmer).

There is a necessary third component to the human programmer. He cannot program unless he can relate to what he is programming. That relationship, though invisible, is what makes it possible for humans to program. The editing, re-writing, and changing of every human program requires an ongoing relationship between The Programmer and the Program.

In The Trinity, that relationship between The Programmer and Program is The Holy Wireless Connector. Those three beings are as necessary in Heaven as they are to human programmers. The fullness of God can only be seen if we understand that He operates as Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector. Indeed, He MUST act as all three, Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector if He is to get anything done.

The Programmer, which is usually how non-Trinitarians picture God, cannot be the loving Father if He does not have a Son. That Son is, in a word, Christ. He is The Program in perfect, loving, human form.

Just as a human-made program has an inseparable relationship with its programmer, so does God, The Programmer and God, The Program. That connection is real. It is as important on earth as it is in Heaven because without that relationship programmer and program, neither is able to function.

Trinitarians properly understand that there is One God, and that He is most accurately understood as being comprised of Three Persons.

Catholic Fundamentalists think the Iron Age descriptions of Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are more readily comprehensible to modern people who utilize electron flows if we think, speak, and write of Him as The Programmer, The Program, and The Holy Wireless Connector.
