The Trinity

It only pays to argue with people who are smarter and know more if we think we gain by being embarrassed.  So, when we want to find out about the Nature of God, we turn to the smartest, most knowledgeable people who are closest to Him and see what they thought, rather than arguing with them.   A leader among those who studied the Nature of God is the great Saint Athanasius.  He helped The Church to define and defend the concept that The Trinity is composed of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is One God in Three Persons, similar to a man simultaneously being a father, son, and husband.

Catholic Fundamentalism never argues with the fundamentals put forth by holier, smarter, more knowledgeable people.  There is no way that any Catholic Fundamentalist in his right mind is going to get into an argument with St. Athanasius.  He is one of The Loving Programmer’s favorites, to whom great gifts were given.  Because he boldly told the complete and utter truth revealed to him, receiving many earthly punishments, exiles, and persecutions, he is now in Heaven, near the throne described in Revelations.  If he were to become aware that one of us was willfully and purposely wrong about The Trinity, or any other Church teaching, he would have but to look at The Loving Programmer, point us out, and the wrath of God could fall upon us like the proverbial bolt from the blue.

Catholic Fundamentalism is not Uppity, But . . . .

without trying to be argumentative, it does respectfully suggest that, sometimes, vocabularies are most effective when they change to reflect advances in technology.  The word “temper”, for instance, did not exist until steel technology had progressed.  Now, most of us know that “losing our temper” means that, like a piece of over-stressed steel, we break under pressure.  In the Iron Age, the same process was described as “overwrought”, which happened when iron was made weaker by being over-processed.  Similarly, from our knees, we humbly suggest that God The Father may, in our Age of Electron Control, may be more meaningfully described as The Loving Programmer.  Therefore we think of Our Heavenly Father as The Loving Programmer.

There are passages in St. Paul (Col 1; 15-20, for instance, which is reviewed immediately below in this regard) that are more easily understood by adopting, even on a hypothetical basis, Catholic Fundamentalism’s idea that Jesus Christ is the utter entirety of The Creation Program.  He took human form, into Whom we may be uploaded and Who may be downloaded into us by the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

We know, and try to know, The Holy Spirit.  In our own age, He may be more easily understood, especially by the young, as The Holy Wireless Connector.  He joins us human free will programs with The Loving Programmer, The Beloved Program, and provides all necessary communication between The Loving Programmer, Beloved Program, and the programmed entities, especially us free-will programs.

Catholic Fundamentalism also thinks of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit as spiritual counterparts of noun, object, and verb.  We are led to this by St. John, who lets us know that “In the beginning was The Word . . .”, which we see as an Iron Age term for what we may more clearly see in our time as the wholeness of “In the beginning was The Program . . .”

There is no thought of trying to diminish The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or the relationship between them described by the Saints of The Church.  By thinking of them as The Loving Programmer, Beloved Program, and Holy Wireless Connector we are using familiar words and concepts from our own Age of Electron Control.  These words and descriptions usually provide more meaning to unsaved people today than words from the Iron Age, when mostly molecules were manipulated by our forefathers and electron flows undreamed of.

Catholic Fundamentalism understands that the more effectively our vocabulary describes reality, the saner we are.  As our vocabulary more closely describes and reflects the power of God, we have a better chance of adding salvation to that sanity.

The Second Person of the Trinity

is Jesus Christ.  Partly because of this passage, Catholic Fundamentalists describe Him as The Beloved Program:

Col 1:15-20:

Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation.
For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth,
the visible and the invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;
all things were created through him and for him.
He is before all things,
and in him all things hold together.
He is the head of the body, the church.
He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
that in all things he himself might be preeminent.
For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell,
and through him to reconcile all things for him,
making peace by the blood of his cross
through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven.

     When the passage tells us “Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.  For in Him were created all things in heaven and on earth. . .” we see that describes the fullness of The Beloved Program.  The Beloved Program is the image of The Loving Programmer, since He programmed it to reflect Himself.  And, we know that the vast Creation Program does contain all the things that The Loving Programmer programmed in Heaven and on Earth.

     We can see how perfectly “The Beloved Program” and other terms of Catholic Fundamentalism fit in, and make clearer, this passage.  We may see that thinking of Loving Programmer and Beloved Program helps us make more sense of this than many of us have been able to make using the old, Iron Age vocabularies with which it was written.  It is as if St. Paul, himself, was just waiting for computers to be invented a couple of thousand years hence:

Col 1:15-20

The Beloved Program reflects The Loving Programmer,
because The Beloved Program was the first thing to be born.
For in The Beloved Program were programmed all the entities in heaven and on earth,
the visible and the invisible programs and all the Programming Assistants,
whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;
all things were programmed through and for The Beloved Program.
The Beloved Program is before all things,
and in Him all things hold and work together.
He is the head of the body formed of the faithful, obedient human programs.
He is the beginning of the New Download, the first program to be erased and completely restored
that in all things The Beloved Programmer, Himself, might be preeminent.
For in Him all the fullness was pleased to have been downloaded,
and through The Beloved Program to reconcile all things for The Loving Programmer,
making peace by His painful, obedient erasure
through The Beloved Programmer, whether those on earth or those in heaven.
