Truth Rationers

Rationers don’t like truth. They are unable to keep truth completely hidden, but will always use little snippets of it to bolster their lies. Other times, they use truth like a hunter uses duck decoys. Their agencies will tell the truth about something. Then, they see who embraces that truth. Then, they get rid of them.

As we get older, we gain greater knowledge of how many, many lies and liars there are. This should not be discouraging. The free will that God has programmed into the system allows huge numbers of lies and liars to exist in order to separate sheep from goats. As mankind’s production capacity increases, fewer people are needed to supply needed goods and services. That gives more people a chance to make a living by lying.

When we listen to professional liars, we see and hear the skilled, polished commentators and announcers whose ability to lie well has promoted them to positions where they can tell lies to hundreds of millions. When we see such convincing people, many of us are not able to say to ourselves, “They are lying to me every time they say anything.”

Our inability to realize “I’m being lied to.” encourages them to lie more frequently. That, of course, ensures that their poor souls will be found so offensive to God that they will spend eternity even farther from Him.
