Truths and lies are living things. They are made out of words, just as more obvious creatures are made of cells.

A living thing has a life of its own. It lives, moves around, and multiplies. Truths and lies do the same things. Just as God can program angels who, in turn program earth, air, fire and water, human beings can program compilations of words.

Like birds in trees, ants in hills, words move around in the minds they were sent to change.

The words we say or write have an effect on every hearer. Even talking to oneself or writing in a personal diary can change our mind or keep us from changing our mind.

Similarly, every combination of words we hear or read is designed to have an influence on us. There are only two kinds of word combinations. Truths are word-beings inspired by God, and are designed to help people move closer to Him.

The other type of word combinations, Satanic lies, are designed to distract people from God and focus them on the things that God created (programmed) and that the other side encourages us to use for harm.

Just as God programmed Creation, we who are made in His image can program words and set them in motion.

If we use words to separate ourselves or others from The Programmer, we have introduced a virus into a human program. We will be treated accordingly.
