Turn back to Me and be saved.

Turn back to Me and be saved. This plea, from The Loving, Unprogrammed Programmer to us, His most complicated programmed entities, shows us the only way we can be saved. When we examine the Old Programming Log, we see that sometimes, as with Err and Onan, He is merciless. Their deaths followed their disobediences quickly.

The great city of Ninevah repented, turned back to obeying The Programmer’s operating instructions, and was saved. Time after time, the apostate kings of Judah and Israel were destroyed. Their peoples were taken from their homelands and deported, losing nearly everything.

The Books of Kings and Chronicles are fascinating history that show the inexorable judgment of God. When kings of The Culture of Death ruled, things were bad. But, when good kings would obey the Operating Instructions, people were better and things were better. Now, the men and women of the west helplessly watch the continual invasion of those who will destroy them. Their governments have gone whoring after strange gods (no more insanely destructive idol than “climate change” ever existed, and we are lost.

We can find ourselves by remembering what angered God the most. It was the sacrifice of children. When we see how awful our own Culture of Death is, and embrace life, God will save us. We must turn from abortion and birth control to life and self control.

It is not too late, but time is running out.
