Two Bible Passages make Catholics “The Happiest People on Earth!”

Catholics are chosen to want "The keys to The Kingdom of Heaven".  May all be blessed to ask God to "choose" them!

Question 1:  “What Two Bible Passages guide Catholics every day?”

Answer:  “God gave us Psalm 118:24 three thousand years ago.  Two short sentences have brought believers closer to God every morning:  ‘This is the day The Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.’


Question 2:  “What happens to us if we begin Every Day with Psalm 118:24?”

Answer:  “Catholics get closer to God by adding two words that connect us with His Loving Power:  ‘This is the day The Lord has made (for me!’)”


Question 3:  “How does adding the words ‘for me’ help Catholics connect with God?”

Answer:  “The name ‘Catholic’ means ‘universal’.   Only Catholics can see that billions of galaxies spread across at least 6.5 trillion light years in every direction are part of ‘the day’ that ‘The Lord has made for me!’


Question 4:  “What do Catholics do after understanding The Universal Truth within ‘This is the day The Lord has made (for me!)‘?”

Answer:  “We Think Clearly about the second sentence:  ‘Let us rejoice and be glad in it.’   Only Catholics realize:  God is commanding us to ask Him to:  ‘let us rejoice and be glad in the day God has made (for me!)”  Catholics obey ‘a command from God’ that others have not been ‘chosen’ to hear!

That is why Catholics are the happiest people on earth!”


Question 5:  “What other Bible Passage helps Catholics be the happiest people on earth?”

Answer:   “God Word from 3,000 years ago connects Catholics to These Words from Jesus Christ, Himself.   2,000 years ago in Mark 16:15,   ‘Jesus said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.'”


Question 6:  “How do Catholics do that?”

Answer;  “We start our day by realizing:  ‘This is the day The Lord has made (for me!) Let us rejoice and be glad in it.’  Then, we consider how blessed we are to be chosen to get the specific ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus died to leave to His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church on Earth:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you (Catholics!) the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’!

Catholics try to live so that our beloved neighbors may see how important it is for every person on earth, and every soul at Judgment, to get those ‘keys’!



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This site is  It is “simple reasons to be Catholic”.  Many enjoy the free books, posts, and thoughts shared by an anonymous inventor with 170 U.S. Patents.  Now, he shares “simple reasons to be Catholic” deep in the details of Every Word of God.

The best book of the last Century is <em>“The Diary of St. Faustina”</em>. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul.

Our newest Free Book does not compare with St. Faustina’s, but some find it interesting:

