The Two Components of Reality

We deal, on a daily basis, with two realities. There are the things programmed by The Programmer, summed up by the ancients as earth, air, fire, and water. Energies, sub-atomic, and atomic particles were programmed, compiled, and downloaded for us. He programmed them out of something we may consider as 3-D pixels, analogous to the way humans program realistic movies and games out of 2-D pixels. His basic programs, which include each one of our souls, are “God’s Programs”.

The other part of reality is made from the re-programming that we apply to His basic programs. We will turn trees into lumber, lumber into boards, and boards into housing sub-structures. All that we human programs “re-program” from His basic programs are the other component of reality, the entirety of which boils down to “God’s Programs” and “Man’s Programs”.

We spend far more time working with, and focusing on, “Man’s Programs” than we spend considering the huge, complicated programs provided for us by The Loving Programmer. The distinction between the two components of reality is less often made as vain, God-denying humans try to eliminate from consideration the fact that The Loving Programmer even exists, let alone that He is still capable of modifying, re-programming, and erasing any of His, or our, programs. (As an example of vanity, yesterday, I spent more time considering a new car than I spent thinking about God. Today, realizing my own programming error, the new car thoughts and justifications have been erased from my own agenda. Temporarily, at least.)

When we think about His programs, it’s hard to avoid concluding that we human programs are the most important programs of all. As we consider that thought, we may connect it with the fact that we were given Operating Instructions, by The Person Whom we may consider to be the living fullness of The Program in human form, to love our fellow human programs as much as we love ourselves.

One manifestation of that love is to do what we can to let our fellow human programs know that there is a Loving Programmer, and that He has programmed us so that the greatest joy we can know is to be with Him, now and forever.

So, we pray for our friends, our enemies, and our neighbors in an attempt to have the wavelengths from above break through the barriers of vanity that insulate separated souls from Him. As love of what humans re-arrange is replaced by a love of the complicated human programs, themselves, the world is made a better place. (To that end, I may try not to spend/waste any more time and effort considering the new car mentioned above. At least until Lent, which starts tomorrow, is over.)
