Indians used to light fires to drive herds of buffalos over cliffs. They still do!
Question 1: “What are the ‘Two Realities’?”
Answer: “‘Catholic Reality‘ and Conventional Reality’.”
Question 2: “What is the difference?”
Answer: “‘Catholic Reality’ is grateful obedience to Teachings of The Only Church spoken into being by This Word of Jesus Christ: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’”
Question 3: “What is ‘Conventional Reality’?”
Answer: “‘Conventional Reality’ is made from beliefs of the other two groups of people in the world: ‘Indians’ and ‘buffalos’ .”
Question 5: “Can you make that clearer?”
Answer: “American Indians would would light fires and scream loudly to make herds of frightened buffalos run over cliffs. When the ‘buffalos’ were dead or crippled, ‘Indians’ would take their meat, skins, and horns. ‘Indians’ make their livings by driving herds of ‘buffalos’ over cliffs!”
Question 6: “Are ‘buffalos’ easily ‘stampeded’ into running over cliffs?”
Answer: “Yes. The cleverest ‘Indians’ always light new fires and scream new war cries to make frightened herds of ‘buffalos’ run over cliffs.”
Question 7: “Why do ‘buffalos’ stay in the herd?”
Answer: “‘Indians’ work very hard to scare any ‘buffalo’ who thinks about leaving the ‘herd’! They want every ‘buffalo’ to run over every cliff they can find.”
Question 8: “Why are ‘Indians’ so desperate to drive ‘buffalos’ over cliffs?”
Answer: “‘Conventional Reality’ boils down to this: ‘Indians’ make a living by killing ‘buffalos’!”
Question 9: “How is ‘Catholic Reality’ different?”
Answer: “Catholics do not let ‘Indians’ stampede us into running over cliffs!”
Question 10: “What keeps Catholics from turning into ‘Indians’ and ‘buffalos’?”
Answer: “Catholics want our souls to be among those allowed into Heaven: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’”
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Simple reasons to be Catholic.