Types of cannibalism.

Governmental Cannibalism. The most popular type of cannibalism is taxation. It involves draining money from all those who can be drained. The money is then given to those who will promptly waste it and ask for more.

Sexual cannibalism. More and more protections are removed from the most helpless, who are allowed to be used by those whose souls have no greater joy.

Educational cannibalism. The cry for “smaller classes” and “new buildings” echoes across the land. Taxpayers are impoverished “for the children”, who are no longer taught to read, write, and do arithmetic.

Transportation cannibalism. Those needing to get from point A to B are make to go from point A to point C to be taken to point D before being allowed to get to B. The more intermediate stops, the more tolls, and the more tickets that can be issued, the better the system is said to be.

Energy cannibalism. The safest, cheapest, most reliable nuclear energy plants are closed down. No new ones are allowed to be built. Windmills and biofuel plants are erected. The world is said to be “better”.

Environmental cannibalism. Once environmentalists found that they could measure “parts per billion”, pollutants were found to “be everywhere”. Great efforts have been made to remove them from the environment. Taxpayer savings are cheerfully devoured to “protect” them from “deadly pollutants”.

Monetary cannibalism. Inflation, once instituted, squeezes out the value of the little bits of money that the thrifty have been able to put aside.

Entertainment cannibalism. As cultures become cannibalistic, entertainment drops ever closer to the level once found in the Coliseum. Perversions and distraction become focused on death and destruction, rather than live and protecting it.

Fairness. The fairness cannibal takes from those who have something he wants and keeps as much of it as he can. This process is said to be “fairer” than what went before.
