The Underlying Cause of Liberals.

Those on the left tend to absorb facts and opinions offered by others on the left. They are more comfortable with CNN and MSNBC than with FOX; with the New York Times than with the Wall Street Journal. They are inclined in that direction because they recognize the points of view that are being put forth by the politically dominant group in the nation.

They are intelligent enough to recognize these positions as “politically correct”. Being that way by nature, they absorb, digest, and regurgitate the approved “news” whenever possible. We know where they will stand on every issue. On Global Warming, “Concerned, if not worried.” On illegal immigration, “We are a nation of immigrants.” On pollution of every type: “This is a very serious problem, with dire consequences for our children.” On abortion, “A woman’s right to choose.” trumps any consequences for mother and child.

If they die with their minds too polluted to have renounced this endless claptrap, their souls are lost. Life is as simple as that.

It’s very hard to get the comfortable, successful, and prosperous to consider that there is an objective truth, compared to which their beliefs are easily seen to be lies told to facilitate murder and robbery. The feeling of comfort and self-satisfaction gained from having mastered the pseudo-complexities of “modern life” makes them almost immune to any thoughts about prophecies having been fulfilled, God coming to earth, and finding themselves numbered among either sheep or goats before going off to judgment.

One can almost hear the anguished screams “But, I am a good person!” that cry from countless souls before they are joined forever with the flames below.
