Understanding Mary

Mary appeared before tens of thousands of people at Fatima on October 13, 1917.  Many understood that the most magnificent miracle since The Resurrection had taken place.   Understanding Mary, the faithful believed what was seen.  Disbelievers, never understanding Mary, did not believe.

Vain souls from the other side tried to explain away Mary’s appearance as “mass hysteria”.  Those people, and their hatred of all things Catholic, work to make understanding Mary harder for the non-believer.

Some Catholics realize that Mary, as the Mother of God, was so important, and so beloved by The Father, that He had to have made provision for Her from the beginning.  In fact, it can be reasoned that “Since Jesus Christ, the Son, was perfect in every way, as is The Father, Jesus could only be brought to earth in fulfillment of the prophets by a mother of similar perfection.”

The blessed among us will rise closer to understanding Mary as the utterly perfect person.  Her children will see that She is blessed beyond all others by The Father.   A spiritual pilgrimage leads to realizing that God’s bringing Mary into being, at the beginning of Creation, was what drove satan to open rebellion.  Satan’s vanity simply could not tolerate being made subordinate to a mere human.  He, and similarly vain spirits, rebelled.  Such souls still avoid Mary.

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As we realize that She obtains Divine Assistance for people, millions of times a minute, we become more aware of God’s power.   That’s one reason why understanding Mary is the most important things we can do.  Understanding Mary and Her God-given power is a first step in asking Her for help.  Understanding Mary helps us move closer to God and farther from sin.

Just as our own mother wants the best for her children,  so does Mary.  She has more direct access to The Loving Programmer than our own mothers.  Directing requests for programming assistance to Her is shows that we have been blessed, to some degree, by understanding Mary and the vast power and authority She has been given by The Trinity.

God loves Mary.  So should all who are not separated from her by their vanity, like you-know-who and his earthly followers.  We know where such people must spend the long, long time beyond.


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