There Was Urgency Involved in the Speed With Which the Stage Was Set.

Most of us have a sense of urgency when we can’t breathe or if we’re bleeding heavily. The problems of other may also inspire us to prompt and speedy action. Most of the time, we’re slow to do things. One way to overcome our natural inclination to sloth is with a schedule. We use them to “table” time, so that we know when we should be doing doing something to keep to our schedule.

It may appear, in Scripture, that God, The Loving Programmer, operates by a schedule. When He began His work, at the wedding feast in Cana, we see an indication that He was to follow a time table. He did not want to start the work He was sent to do, but His Mother knew it was time. “Do whatever He tells you.”, she told the servants.

And, He ended His work as He began it, following a schedule. We see a sense of urgency in the evening before Christ was to be arrested, tried, and crucified before rising from the dead. The entirety of The Program had been running since the beginning for that day and hour.

An interruption appeared. John, 12:20-24 “Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks (who’d converted to Judaism and wanted to see Jesus). These approached Philip, who came from Bethsaida in Galilee, and put this request to him, “Sir, we should like to see Jesus.”. Philip went to tell Andrew and Andrew and Philip together went to see Jesus. Jesus replied to them, “Now the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”

In other words, He had no time to talk to tourists. The Schedule had to be kept.

Our own lives have a spiritual schedule that we usually ignore. We will be taken off to a hospital in an ambulance with siren screaming if we break our arm. But, we will face an eternity of pain with such a blind ignorance of what is coming that we won’t take the immediate steps to save our souls from it. Our soul knows that. It, being a creature of pure spirit, is aware of God and of how easily we may join our soul with Him, providing joy forever. “Will you please get me saved!”, it cries out to a mind deafened and coarsened by the transitory concerns that mark the mind that is worse than simple.
