As usual, we’ll start the month

As usual, we’ll start the month with an advantage that Catholic Fundamentalism offers us as we make our way to Judgment. We know how confusing things are in every area of intellectual, family, political, economic, and spiritual life.

Catholic Fundamentalism simplifies these vast clouds with the simple statement, “God is able to program energies and particles. He compiled them into systems and beings, all with the end of giving every human being on earth free will so that He may separate those who choose to believe in Him and obey His Operating Instructions from those who do not.”

As we see, with increasing clarity, The Roman Catholic Church as the earthly repository of all that is necessary to know about God, we respectfully suggest that by considering God as a vastly greater version of a human programmer, One Who can program what are basically 3-D pixels and produce the Creation Program with them, we may more easily follow Her instructions and guidance.

We see that disputations between competing ideas of reality are confusing. Catholic Fundamentalism lets us burn them away like morning fog, just by exploring in our own minds the notion that God can program in three dimensions, and can download into being everything from stars to dust motes with near-instantaneousness.

As we grow in awareness of God’s power, things like evolution, environmentalism, and all the other intellectual fads and distractions are understood as nothing more than the elevation of God-shunning human programming errors into belief systems. They first diminish in importance, then, disappear from our minds as we realize that God is powerful enough to have programmed the entire Creation Program and that He loves us so much that He provided His only Son to help us get through it.

After the confusion has passed, we can get on with the vastly more important work of saving our souls.
