Two Medical Concerns, One Imaginary, One Not. Part II – Vaccination Alarmists

Vaccination Alarmists.

There is a class of people, somewhere on the right-center of the IQ bell curve, who have convinced themselves that autism is caused by vaccinations. Most of these people have autistic children. Lurking in their minds is the thought “If my child’s problem has been caused by the drug companies, I may be able to be part of a class action lawsuit and collect so money that I’ll never have to work, again.”

Since they do not wish to consider that anything they’ve done could have caused the autism, thoughts of other possible causes have been driven from their minds, which will not consider: “My child is autistic because: I don’t spend enough time with him; I did not eat enough when I was pregnant because I didn’t want to lose my figure; I had too many ultrasounds; I drank more than I should have; I am too self-involved with my desire for a big, asbestos-type payout to worry about any other cause for his problem; I got a divorce and the resulting insecuriuty pushed my son over the edge into autism.”

Lots of research has been done to make the big-money connection between vaccinations and autism, but it’s all been for naught. No matter how hard they try, it’s been impossible to prove that the vaccines are actually damaging children. Many who make a living from Professional Alarmism work diligently to discover, or invent, any possible causal connection between vaccinations and autism.

Communicating among themselves and donors with newsletters, emails, and occasional media appearances, those who are looking for big, down-range payoffs continue searching for the connections that will allow them to successfully sue the drug manufacturers. All their children pay a price for this. While they try to blame the vaccines, they are intellectually forced into a box; they can’t get any more vaccinations that their children need. Doing so would prove that they don’t really believe there’s anything wrong with vaccinations. So, those who hope to profit from the vaccination-autism connection have little choice but to willfully put their own children at the great risk of getting very real infections and very real diseases.

They don’t seem to be concerned. They appear to believe that their financial gain from proving the vaccination-autism connection is more important than the very real risk that actual diseases spread by a lack of vaccinations may afflict their own children.

Interestingly, some of these vaccination/autism alarmists may point out that “The drug companies are selling statin drugs to solve imaginary cholesterol problems. So, it’s not unrealistic to think that they might knowingly sell vaccines that damage some children with autism and other diseases and disorders. ”

One may respond, “The pick-pocket or sneak-thief is not automatically a murderer.”
