Vanity blinds us to God and His power.

Vanity blinds us to God and His power. Catholic Fundamentalism offers a clearer view of God and His power than any other cosmology. By seeing Him as “The Unprogrammed Programmer”, we envision a Being Who has the power to have programmed and downloaded all that there is in less than a week.

To give credit where it is due, we have to praise the Fundamentalists for having believed for so long without having conceived of God as having the ability to program particles and compile them into systems and beings. Their faith, like those who did what Thomas could not do, “believe without seeing”, makes them one of the most commendable groups in history.

Likewise, Catholics have kept their faith alive. They have followed Scripture, in some ways more punctiliously than our Protestant counterparts. The passages in John, 6; 53-59 make it clear that we have to “eat His flesh and drink His blood”, both things made possible by the Catholic miracle of Transubstantiation by which wafer and wine become Body and Blood.

Combining Fundamentalists’ faith with Catholic obedience brings us to Catholic Fundamentalism, the newest approach to God since Pascal developed Probability Theory and applied it to choosing a religion.

The vain, on the other hand, are blind to, and blind themselves to, God. They feel insulted by any belief in any being that makes their individual efforts appear to be as puny and wretched as they are. Such vanity draws a curtain across their minds, making God and His power invisible.

When we can say, “He is the potter, I am the clay.”, we do much to destroy our vanity. As our own vanity diminishes, the curtain in our own mind begins to disappear and we get a clearer view of God and of His power. Then, we may begin to download the tiny portions of His Program that we are able to comprehend. We grow in joy as we do so.
