Vanity is the enemy of sanity.


.                              Vanity becomes insanity with this absurdity:  “Jesus Christ has to let ME into Heaven!”


Question 1:  “Why is ‘vanity’ the enemy of ‘sanity’?”

Answer:  “Those who are ‘sane’ are able to Think Clearly.  They can ‘anticipate and appraise the effect of one’s actions.’


Question 2:  “Can ‘sanity’ lead us to God?”

Answer:  “Sanity is the only thing that can lead us to realize:  ‘Nothing can come from nothing.’  Therefore:  All there is came from ‘A Creator Who Created it’.


Question 3:  “Who is that ‘Creator’?”

Answer:  “He is Who we call ‘God’.”


Question 4:  “Is ‘sanity’ believing in God?”

Answer:  “‘Sanity is more than ‘believing’ in God.  Sanity is obeying God!”


Question 5:  “How do we find what God wants us to do?”

Answer:  “We read The Bible that was provided by The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of God‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’


Question 6:  “What do we do after we read That Word from God?”

Answer:  “Each person on earth makes Our Big Decision!  ‘I will, (or I will not), obey That Word of Jesus Christ.  I will be (or will not be) In His Church.  I will get (or will reject), ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that He gave only to His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.”


Question 7:  “Is that the test of ‘sanity’?

Answer:   “No one who Thinks Clearly can say: ‘I have been blessed to realize that Jesus Christ Fulfilled The Prophecies.  But, I will not obey That Word from Him, be in His Church, or get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 8:  “Does ‘sanity’ consist of ‘anticipating and appraising the effect of one’s actions.’ on our immortal soul?”

Answer:  “The ‘sanest’ thing anyone can do is have our ‘personal decisions’ be in obedience to Every Word of Jesus Christ.  There is no other way to have our soul blessed to be forever in Heaven, among:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 9:  “Why do many people choose to not be blessed to be forever among His obedient ‘friends’?”

Answer:  “Vanity leads many to believe ‘Jesus Christ has to let ME into Heaven!'”

Vanity is the enemy of sanity.

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