Vanity, thy name is government.

Watching government programs is always interesting. Each is a pyramid of lies. People are always driven to climb them. When they reach the level they think their souls are worth, many toboggan down them to destruction.

All government programs begin in a lie that springs from vanity. “I (we) have a duty to make things better.”

Reports are written, committees are established, and the foundation is laid. Studies are funded, each of which points out the need for each New Program. Media releases soon convince people that a program they’ve done nicely without for hundreds, even thousands of years will “help” because “it’s so important”.

Often, the New Program’s agency is set up and staffed with no one knowing about it. It’s waiting for “a big emergency” to suddenly be put in place. One day, we travelled through airports unimpeded. The next day, we went through platoons of inspectors and metal detectors. Years of work behind the scenes magically materialized thousands of new jobs, seemingly in an instant.

Those who are promised and given jobs by each New Program become avid supporters. They have lost touch with the fact that they have a soul on its way to judgment.

“We need to make an investment in bike trails, more jails, clean air, housing that’s fair, our nation’s future, transportation, security, education, infrastructure, family farms.” The list goes on until every possible penny is taken from every possible person. Then, collapse and the process begins again.

But, each program is built upon the same desire, a need to get money without having to make a free-market customer happy.

Unspoken thoughts lurk around darkened souls. Behind every “we need” is a “you should”. The not-so-hidden meaning of each “you should” is “you will”. That is followed by darker desires, “give us money” and “obey”.

Vanity, thy name is government.
