Considering the vastness of our own minds.

Considering the vastness of our own minds. We are able to look up at night and see the moon. Beyond, we see the planets. Beyond that, we are able to see what appears to be light from countless stars, millions of light years away. Each of us can picture the earth rotating on its axis as it revolves around the star that’s closest to us. We may infer from those facts that our mind is, in some way, as big as the universe. Just as a map invariably leaves out some details, so our minds leave out details of what Catholic Fundamentalists see as “Outside Programs”. Despite our imperfect understanding of the Outside Programs, we do have the ability to understand some things about them.

We have a similarly cloudy notion of the tiniest particles. Each of us has our own simple notions of electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules. Others talk wisely of quarks.

We also know that we are made out of cells. We can picture some aspects of a cell in our mind. We can picture lots of cells, working together as we consider levels of increasingly complicated animals.

All of us have an idea of history. Some picture a universe that’s twenty billion years old, others picture a creation that was programmed several thousand years ago by The Unprogrammed Program, our Father in Heaven.

We have both an individual and collective mind. All those minds, working individually or in groups, has obtained and understood a vast amount of information about every part of creation.

One way to picture the mind’s operation.

Most of us have seen tiny LED lights, or light-emitting diodes. They are small, solid-state devices that emit light when an electric current passes through them. There are billions of neural highways through our minds. At each intersection, we can imagine a very tiny light emitting diode. When we want to think about, say, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, we can visualize a little “cloud” caused by molecule-size LEDs going off in that part of our brain that stores Lincoln information. When we have recalled that information, the “cloud” of lights travel the other way, carrying the information to the body’s various “information output centers”, (voice, keyboard entries, facial expressions, body movements) where it is, by a miraculously complicated series of muscles, translated into spoken or written words.

The internal lights provide a “map” of how the Outside Programs are downloaded within our Inside Programs. If the earth goes around the sun in the Outside Programs, we would like to be sure that our Inside Programs reflect that reality. If, in the Outside Programs, two apples and two apples make four apples, we want to be sure that our Inner Programs come to the same conclusion.

Things that mess up mental alignments.

We know that parasites often grow within our bodies. Tumors, worms, and hurtful microbes live inside, draining energy that could be put to better use. Parasites live to get inside our bodies and take everything they can from them. If they overpower our body’s’ defenses, they will kill us.

The things that keep our mental maps from accurately reflecting the Outside Programs are ethereal versions of bodily parasites. They are various forms of short-circuits. Like the larger parasites of the body, they are alive. Just as the larger parasites are classifiable in hierarchies, the living short-circuits represent various tribes of demons.

Catholic Fundamentalists postulate that the Other Side, where the de-programmer constantly works to download viruses into our ether discs, is arranged in a flawed reversal of what The Programmer has programmed.

Since The Unprogrammed Programmer, Father of us all, had programmed nine choirs of angels into being, we feel that it’s reasonable to assume that the father of viruses has programmed nine orders of disruptive viruses. The nine orders of viruses operate within the parameters of the seven deadly sins. Each “sin tribe” represents either pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, or sloth.

Each sin tribe has nine orders, beginning with little, tiny sins prompted by imps. More powerful demons try to lead us to more destructive sins.

These demons, if they get into our minds, are living “reverse sparks”, little blobs of darkness putting confusion into our minds whenever it will do the most harm. We can picture them, not as merely dark places in the cloud of sub-microscopic LEDs in our mind, but also, places where light is actually stained, weakened, and twisted so that it carries misinformation, rather than information.

Sin and error go hand in hand, literally rejoicing at every single thing that may lead to our destruction.
