Wait until you see This Catholic Conclusion!

. Catholics are the only people on earth who are blessed with enough Grace to reach This Amazing Conclusion!


Question 1: “Where did Jesus come from?”

Answer: “His Father was God. His Mother was Mary. She provided the mitochondrial DNA that comes from every Mother.”


Question 2: “Did early Catholics realize Her DNA was perfect?”

Answer: “The Vulgate Bible was the Only Bible for ‘the thousand years‘ before God allowed The Profiteers of Protestantism to confuse Christendom’s Bible. Thirty-three generations of Catholics knew that Mary is ‘Full of Grace’. There could be no error in Her or in Her Son.”


Question 3: “How many atoms in Her Holy Ova had to be perfect in structure and position?”

Answer: “There are an estimated 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) atoms in one human cell. There are more in am ova. The entire human body has about 100 trillion cells.”


Question 3: “Do some Catholics believe that God had, and used, His Power to make Mary so perfectly that every component of Her Holy Ova was Perfect in Every Way?”

Answer: “That is what ‘Full of Grace’ means!”


Question 4: “Why did all the later Bibles stop describing Mary as being ‘Full of Grace’?”

Answer: “God knew ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ would end. Luther, Calvin, and the other Profiteers of Protestantism would be used to keep as many people as they could from receiving The Actual Body and Blood of Mary’s Son in Catholic Communion.”


Question 5: “Is God’s Timetable in The Bible?”

Answer: “Revelation 20:1-3 tells us! ‘the devil must be released from the abyss for a short time’. God made sure that the knowledge of Mary being ‘Full of Grace’ would survive the devil’s attacks.”


Question 5: “How did God help Catholics survive their onslaughts on our souls?”

Answer: “God did Two Things:

1. He made sure that Catholics would know that Mary was ‘Full of Grace’ by having Every Rosary lead us to repeat 53 times: ‘Hail Mary, Full of Grace’.

2. Those He Blessed with That Great Grace would also obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated fourteen times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 6: “I want to understand something! When Catholics receive The Body and Blood of Jesus, are we also receiving The Body and Blood of His Blessed Mother?”

Answer: “That’s why Catholics play The Only Game on Earth that lets us say ‘Bingo’, forever!


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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