War on taxpayers.

War on taxpayers. Most human activities and needs are, or have been, taxed. Salt used to be heavily taxed. So did matches. Now, taxation is focused on income, property, and purchases. Earning a living, owning a home, and buying things are open, public activities from which revenue can easily be derived.

Now, spending has swollen to the point that no more income can be drawn from those sources. So, we are increasingly assaulted with “public investments”. Typical of these are “loans”, tax-abatements, and incentives to favored businesses. These “job creation” programs rarely create the jobs for which public money has been taken and spent, but do accomplish the mission of providing money to those whose only skills are making the necessary political connections to obtain it.

We generally pay sales tax on electricity. That’s no longer providing enough revenue. So, new, inefficient, and unproven sources of power are being funded. The electricity provided by inexpensive nuclear reactors is ignored, and we are told “we need a broad base of energy sources”.

That “broad base of energy sources ” includes ethanol (it takes at least 1.5 gallons of diesel fuel to produce one gallon of ethanol), biomass (so inefficient that it’s cost cannot be calculated accurately), wind (costing 20 times more than coal and nuclear power), hydrogen (which still takes more energy to produce than it makes) and solar (the collectors of which only work in some parts of the country and which require weekly cleaning).

So, we are about to have billions of dollars taken from us and given to the poor, lost souls who don’t mind lying to and stealing from their neighbors.

Pray for them. It’s their only chance.
